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Промишлен инженеринг
Пречиствателни станции и метални конструкции
Силози BROCK
Фуражни бункери и промишлени силози
Силози BROCK
Фуражни бункери и промишлени силози

BROCK Conveyors

BROCK conveyors are made of high quality materials with high strength, nice design and can serve several silos.


- The conveyors come with different widths of the belt from 460-1370 mm (18-54 inches) and and speed from 30 to 200 meters (100-700 ft) per minute. Capacity of from 33 to 1600 tons (1000 to 58 000 bushels) per hour.

- Made of galvanized steel construction, weather resistant.

- The conveyors are allowed to carry grain an angle of up to 25 degrees.

- The unique design of the idler rollers (patented), minimizes the harmonic vibrations, to prolong bearing life and to provide a smoother operation of the belt.

- The conveyors have a revision lids with latches, which makes them easy openable, as to ensure easy access for service and maintenance. The lids are sealed and do not allow water to penetrate.

- Reinforced belt, which is oil-resistant and fire resistant.

- An efficient self-cleaning tail, contributing to return of any spilled grain of the belt.

- Energy-saving motors and reducers.

- Self-adjustable heavy duty bearings with easy maintenance and long life.


Проект № BG-RRP-3.005-5497-C01/24.07.2023