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Промишлен инженеринг
Пречиствателни станции и метални конструкции
Силози BROCK
Фуражни бункери и промишлени силози
Силози BROCK
Фуражни бункери и промишлени силози

Metal constructions

BG Industrial Group is engaged in the manufacture of steel structures for industrial and construction purposes, as well as implements their mounting on the site.

Basic types of metal structures:

- Metal structures of civil and industrial buildings: columns, trusses, beams, joints, ribs, platforms, staircases, fences.

- Frames of unified buildings made of lightweight metal structures;

- Panels made of steel sheet with filling (sandwich panels);

- Metal flooring of industrial buildings;

- One storey and multistory platforms for maintenance and installation of equipment: columns, beams, joints, shields, floorings.

- Galleries and trestles for different purposes;

The design department develops the engineering drawings by using advanced software.

All steel structures are manufactured in accordance with BSS and have been tested for quality control.

метални конструкцииметални конструкции

Проект № BG-RRP-3.005-5497-C01/24.07.2023