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Промишлен инженеринг
Пречиствателни станции и метални конструкции
Силози BROCK
Фуражни бункери и промишлени силози
Силози BROCK
Фуражни бункери и промишлени силози



Offering Versatile, Fuel Efficient On-Farm Drying


When the cost of fuel is high, the SUPERB ENERGY MISER® SQ Series line of grain dryers makes even better dollars and sense as an investment for:


  • Cutting-edge drying technology

  • Versatility for drying management

  • Total dryer management with the proven QUANTUM® Controller

Available in drying capacities ranging from 250 to 1,900 bushels (6 to 48 metric tons) per hour, the SQ Series line of dryers also offer a choice of continuous flow drying modes:

  • Full Heat - single-zone or two-zone

  • Pressure Heat/Pressure Cool

  • Pressure Heat/Vacuum Cool

Contact your local Brock dealer or Brock to find out more about how you can save money by owning a SUPERB ENERGY MISER SQ Series Grain Drying System!

Проект № BG-RRP-3.005-5497-C01/24.07.2023