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Силози BROCK
Фуражни бункери и промишлени силози
Промишлен инженеринг
Пречиствателни станции и метални конструкции
Силози BROCK
Фуражни бункери и промишлени силози

 These devices can be used for a variety of products. The collected samples give a full picture of the humidity, the content and size of the material in the sample


Hydraulic system

1. Sampling

2.  Control joystick

3. Vacuum system

4. Telescopic boom


The Sampling collector from trucks and rail cars with power (3, 5 and 7 hp) come in two types - rods and sectional.

Проект № BG-RRP-3.005-5497-C01/24.07.2023