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Промишлен инженеринг
Пречиствателни станции и метални конструкции
Силози BROCK
Фуражни бункери и промишлени силози
Силози BROCK
Фуражни бункери и промишлени силози

Power engineering

BG Industrial Group will offer you customized solutions, in compliance with regulations, established norms and guarantee qualitative electrical installation works.

We provide study, design,  equipment completion, delivery, construction and wiring in energy and communications sector.

Our engineering activity is connected to reconstruction, controlling and upgrading of facilities for transfer and distribution of electricity to and over 1000V.

BG Industrial Group has a highly qualified specialists and has the necessary tools and equipment.

The services offered by the company are:






Проект № BG-RRP-3.005-5497-C01/24.07.2023